The Frye Co.

The Frye Co.

Design sprint project aimed at streamlining the mobile browsing experience

Design sprint project aimed at streamlining the mobile browsing experience


Product Designer
Design Sprint Lead



Wire Framing | High fidelity layout design | Design System

Wire Framing | High fidelity layout design

Wire Framing | High fidelity layout design

Adobe Creative Suite

Image editing | Graphic Design

InVision Studio

Hi-Fidelity Prototyping

The Story

This was a particularly unique project in my career. My team and I were in search of interesting design processes to up our game in the e-commerce space. We stumbled across the "Design Sprint" concept Developed by Jake Knapp at google in 2010. We decided to gather stake holders throughout the company and stage our first go at a fairly unorthodox process.

Design sprints are structured, time-constrained processes used to rapidly solve design challenges and validate ideas through prototyping and testing. Typically lasting five days, this approach brings together cross-functional teams to define a problem, sketch solutions, create a prototype, and conduct user testing, all within a week.

Our goal for this particular sprint was to solve the age old bottleneck of browsing a large product inventory on a mobile device. We elected to formulate a solution for our largest client at the time: The Frye Co. footwear brand.

Through a week of ideation and live prototyping we landed on a visual filter that would land you in a desired product listing page within three decisive choices. Reminiscent of the early internet days of 'wizards,' this tool or "Featured Category Page" would narrow down your product listing by which Gender, Category and subcategory you chose in the first section of the mobile experience. The entire catalogue of products (per gender category) was accessible on a single page.

Although it never went live, this has been a source of pride in my long career as a designer just based on the methodology and collaborative nature of the project.

Additional Work


Full E-commerce site design after their

departure from nike

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